Expert Consensus on Safe Medication of Theophylline in Children

Theophylline, derived from tea, is a bronchial smooth muscle relaxant with clinical indications such as bronchial asthma, acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and bronchospasm symptoms associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

The therapeutic dose of theophylline is closer to the toxic dose, but globally, theophylline remains one of the most widely prescribed drugs in the treatment of respiratory diseases even today. Oral theophylline drugs are still common in primary care in China.

Theophylline is insoluble in water and is usually made into more water-soluble salts such as aminophylline for medicinal use. Aminophylline is the complex salt of anhydrous theophylline and ethylenediamine, which increases the water solubility of anhydrous theophylline. Aminophylline is metabolized to the active theophylline, so the TDM test remains on theophylline

Expert Consensus on Safe Medication of Theophylline in Children


Pharmacokinetics of theophylline

Theophylline is rapidly absorbed orally; food affects the rate of absorption. The apparent volume of distribution of theophylline is 0.45 L/kg (range 0.3 to 0.7 L/kg). Plasma protein-bound theophylline is reduced and free theophylline concentration is increased in preterm neonates, children with cirrhosis, and children with hypoproteinemia

In adults, about 90% of theophylline is metabolized by the liver and 10% is excreted in urine in its original form. In neonates, hepatic metabolism is immature, and theophylline clearance is slow and does not reach normal levels until 1 year of age. The hepatic metabolism of theophylline varies widely among individuals, and clearance rates and serum concentrations vary from person to person.


 Theophylline interactions with other drugs

Interactions between theophylline and other drugs may be pharmacodynamic but are more often related to pharmacogenetics, and it is the alteration of theophylline clearance by other drugs that leads to an increase or decrease in serum theophylline concentrations, hence the need for prompt monitoring of their blood concentrations.


 Adverse effects of theophylline

Adverse effects are rare at serum theophylline concentrations of 5-10 mg/L.

Adverse effects begin to increase at 15 mg/L and above and can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disturbances, insomnia, headache, depression, irritability, fidgetiness, tremors and palpitations.

Increased severity above 20 mg/L with arrhythmias (including tachycardia), hypotension, electrolyte disturbances, and convulsions.

Intravenous injection, especially if given too quickly, can result in convulsions, cardiac arrhythmias, and severe hypotension or cardiac arrest.

Chronic theophylline toxicity in infants and young children is particularly dangerous.

DiagreatTheophylline Blood Concentration Test Solution

Theophylline TDM

Intravenous routes of administration should be tested regularly for blood levels.

Blood samples are taken after the peak blood concentration reached steady state 24h after administration, and then monitored every 4h. The effective blood concentration for the treatment of acute asthma attacks was 1020 mg/L. The effective blood concentration for the prevention of asthma attacks and for the treatment of apnea in premature infants was 510 mg/L. The effective blood concentration for the treatment of acute asthma attacks is 10-20 mg/L, and for the prevention of asthma attacks and the treatment of apnea in preterm infants is 5-10 mg/L. The blood concentration should not be more than 20 mg/L, otherwise the probability of adverse reactions increases significantly.


Serum theophylline concentrations should be measured for oral theophylline administration in the following conditions:

(1)Any time signs or symptoms of theophylline toxicity occur;

(2)For those with persistent symptoms of wheezing, before a dose increase is proposed in consideration of the possibility that blood levels may be below therapeutic concentrations;

(3)After administration from initiation of therapy to adjustment to the final dose;

(4)When a change in treatment regimen is required due to the development of a new disease, worsening of a chronic disease, or a condition that may alter theophylline clearance;

(5)Infants under 1 year of age with immature theophylline metabolic pathways should be given special attention to dosage and monitoring of serum theophylline concentrations (Recommendation Class B).

See the following table for oral theophylline dosage adjustments based on blood concentration as a guide (Recommendation Class A)

Expert Consensus on Safe Medication of Theophylline in Children

Table 6 Table of oral aminophylline dosimetry based on blood concentration as a guide

The narrow therapeutic window for theophylline limits its intravenous use in pediatrics, but its safety for oral administration and its multimodal pharmacological effects have maintained its place in therapeutic areas such as asthma, where heterogeneity is evident.

Intravenous use of theophylline in the treatment of acute asthma exacerbations should be guided by a balanced approach based on clinical improvement, alertness to adverse effects, and blood levels, with the goal of achieving safe and rational use.

Diagreat Biotech has launched the Theophylline Blood Concentration Rapid Test Kit on chemiluminescence platform and POCT platform, which provides a reference for the effective and safe use of theophylline in clinical practice.

Expert Consensus on Safe Medication of Theophylline in Children

Expert Consensus on Safe Medication of Theophylline in Children

Advantages of Diagreat Biotech Theophylline Test

Fully automated assay, easy to use, fast results, rapid processing of large sample volumes

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Expert Consensus on Safe Medication of Theophylline in Children


Children's Allergy and Asthma Group of the Chinese Medical Association's Division of Allergy, Clinical Pharmacology Group of the Chinese Medical Association's Division of Pediatrics, Editorial Board of the Chinese Journal of Practical Pediatrics. Expert consensus on the safe and rational use of aminophylline in children [J]. Chinese Journal of Practical Pediatrics, 2019, 34(4): 249-255.

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