Monkeypox Virus Fluorescence PCR Kit

    Monkeypox is a viral zoonosis (a virus transmitted to humans from animals) with symptoms very similar to those seen in the past in smallpox patients, typically presents clinically with fever, rash and swollen lymph nodes and may lead to a range of medical complications.

                                              Monkeypox Virus Fluorescence PCR Kit

    Regarding the virus spreading, Diagreat R&D department developed the monkeypox virus fluorescence PCR kit in time. This kit uses multiplex fluorescent PCR technology, and selects the conservative area of monkeypox virus for target to design specific primers and probe.The kit is applied with mulpitle sample types, including human rash exudate, whole blood and plasma samples. 

                                                                                Monkeypox Virus Fluorescence PCR Kit

    Diagreat monkeypox fluorescence PCR kit offers one-step solution. The kit contains PCR reaction mix, MPV reaction mix, Molecular grade water, Internal control and MPV positive control. It is easy for the doctors and nurses to process the test and able to get the results in 35 minutes. 

                                                                Monkeypox Virus Fluorescence PCR Kit

    Monkeypox Virus Fluorescence PCR Kit