Clinical significance and guidelines for testosterone


Testosterone (4-androsten-17β-ol-3-one) is a steroid hormone containing 19 carbons and is important for the development of male accessory sex organs and secondary sex characteristics. Testosterone is mainly bound to sex hormone binding protein (SHBG) and serotonin, and in the peripheral blood circulation, only a small portion (1%-2%) is unbound to the protein and is called free testosterone, and only the free portion is able to enter the cells and exert androgenic activity[1]. Testosterone bound to serotonin, whose affinity for serotonin is lower than that for SHBG, is easily dissociated in tissuecapillaries to produce free testosterone. Thus the sum of free testosterone and scavenger-bound testosterone is called bioavailable testosterone[2].

Clinical significance and guidelines for testosterone

Clinical significance

Increased: idiopathic male precocious puberty, familial male precocious puberty [3], adrenocortical hyperplasia, adrenocortical tumors (adenocarcinomas: significantly increased, adenomas: also increased), testicular tumors, testicular feminization [4], polycystic ovary syndrome, androgenic tumors of the ovaries, pineal tumors, idiopathic hirsutism, hypothyroidism, androgens, HCG, and estrogen therapy, among others.

Decreased: trisomy 21, uremia, myotonic dystrophy, hepatic insufficiency, cryptorchidism, primary or secondary hypogonadism (Klinefelter's syndrome, kallman's syndrome) [5], and after androgen therapy is discontinued, etc.

Normal values of testosterone (adult): 14-25.4 nmol/L (male), (female) 1.3-2.8 nmol/L (female)

Normal values of testosterone (children):<8.8 nmol/L (male), <0.7 nmol/L (female)

By monitoring the level of testosterone concentration in the body in advance, the risk of cancer and metabolic diseases can be diagnosed, controlled and prevented.

How to boost testosterone?

It is important to take medications safely under the supervision of a doctor for lowered testosterone levels. There are also other ways to increase testosterone levels in your daily life[6].

Physical exercise

Such as deep squats, hard pulls, and bench presses can also be added to cardio exercises such as running and swimming to help reduce stress and decrease the body's production of cortisol, which increases testosterone.

Dietary recommendations

Eat more cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables. These vegetables are rich in a chemical called indole-3-methanol (IC3), which raises testosterone levels by lowering estrogen levels.

Get enough sleep

Sleep is important for testosterone levels because the body uses the time spent sleeping to produce more testosterone. Lack of sleep decreases testosterone levels, increases cortisol in the body, interferes with growth hormone, and hinders muscle building.

Drink less alcohol

Alcohol negatively affects testosterone production, and alcoholism negatively affects the endocrine system, which in turn prevents the testes from producing testosterone. In addition, alcohol raises cortisol levels and suppresses growth hormone.

Diagreat's Testosterone Test Kit

Clinical significance and guidelines for testosterone

Clinical significance and guidelines for testosterone

Clinical significance and guidelines for testosterone


[1] ANTONIO L-PAUWELS S.LAURENT M R-et al.Free testosterone reflects metabolic as well as ovarian disturb-ances in subfertile oligomenorrheic women[J].Int J Endo-crinol, 2018.10: 1-8.

[2] HAMMOND G L. Plasma steroid binding proteins: Pri-mary gatekeepers of steroid hormone action[J].J Endo-crinol.2016.230(1):13-25.

[3] 1080.江陈艳,俞建.家族性男性性早熟的病因与治疗研究进展[J].中国中西医结合儿科学,2022,14(04):288-292.

[4] 杨焕霞,周一敏.睾丸女性化综合征伴精原细胞瘤1例[J].中国超声医学杂志,2023,39(09):

[5] 梅彬.Kallman综合征1例报道[J].湖北中医杂志,2015,37(02):44.


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